Tuesday 24 November 2015

Exercise -8 / THE JURY WORK

Firsly,ı mostly focused on the space and order.so ı get two groups which have much space .In both groups ı created 3 different fields  are  two times more the previous one.I connected one A and two B in the most beneficial way .And ı get three of this biggest group.I connected this biggest ones in an order.In thıs order all Bs are connecting to each other in the same way and also all As are following each other in the same way.Also ı do not let to the infinitive and nondefined spaces ,I controlled all of them.

exercise-8/ 2. trying

This is the second test to get the space between the groups.This time I use to groups.Each A gpoup are connected to the one B group.I mostly preferred the L shapes to get more fluency.I connect all these A and Bs to contınue this fluency. I also wanted to get nonsymmetrical design and achievde this purpose.There are lots of transıtoın path between the groups.

Exercise-8 / 1.trying

The aim of this work was creating vacancies  and drain off these vacancies to each other, so ı mostly wanted to focus on the space. And ı created a group according to this rule.I get same group with different scales:3-4-5. ıI bring them together according to the prevıous principles.I  used balsa on just the smallest ones to make them mor perceivable.Also ı used mesh again on these groups.


The aim of this design was hierarchy ,so ı get this by chancing the scale of the sides.I used triangles mostly to change dimensions os the parts.Also I tried to get shapes are similar to the square. It has a central poınt and all design growth up this center.I take the lenghts multiples of the 2.5 cm because ıt is another rule of that. This gave me a convenience to determine the locations of the connection  slits.


The purpose of this work was contrast and dominance ,so ı made a center for my model.The center is dominating all other parts.Also,ı get a space as a square on the center.There is two groups at the middle of the design which are connected to each other.I used triangles to combine all separate parts and rectangles to get the balance on it.


Firstly,I want to create a rhythm on my model so ı used same part on the different sides.I used restagles to come together the equılateral parallelograms.The one side of them is 9cm so ı cut their from 4.5 cm to combine with other parts.Also ı take this lenght as a 3 cm on the squares.I used the surfaces parallel to each oyher to make it more stable.


The main principle of my design is balance.Therefore I used two similar parts on two sides of ıt.Also I used rectangles as  connection elements.Also I tried to get many reletionships between two sides of the model to make it stronger.